about me

who am I ?

+死肥宅 otaku
osu!玩家 osu! player
曾经的黄油玩家 galgame player
+ff14 海猫茶屋-pzhxbz 目前主职召唤 如果有比较休闲的零式或者绝本队请拉我一个谢谢 FFXIV CN player
Nu1L垫底 worst CTF player @ Nu1L

I want to promote myself but lazy ,I’m working for my master’s degree now.

读研之后能够自由支配的时间非常的少了.jpg 主要在做交换机设备的漏洞挖掘与利用,如果有想法或者有问题欢迎一起交流~
I have little free time after I graduated from university, I’m focus on the security of switches and routers. I will be happy if you have interested in me ~ .

2024 update

After graduation, I worked at Keen security lab for a while and realized that I still prefer a freer atmosphere. Although I achieved some results at work that I was quite satisfied with, I couldn’t share them publicly. Now, I increasingly understand why many ctfers, who started blogging after graduating, posts so infrequently.

I don’t play online games much anymore and mainly focus on single-player games. I also want to seriously study fingerstyle guitar. I’m slowly updating my progress on Bilibili, and if you’re interested, feel free to join in for discussions!

there are some ways to contact me and become friends with me:

微信(wechat) : cHpoeGJ6
邮箱(email) : cHpoeGJ6QHFxLmNvbQ== or cHpoeGJ6NjY2QGdtYWlsLmNvbQ==
b站(bilibili): aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGFjZS5iaWxpYmlsaS5jb20vODIzOTUyL3VwbG9hZC92aWRlbw==